Jan 20 2013


“After great pain, a formal feeling comes. The Nerves sit ceremonious, like tombs.” …an excerpt by Emily Dickinson

Jan 12 2013

What wakes you up every morning?

Is IT still alive within you? It lives within us and is known by all; it still breathes and it will survive; it gets neglected but it will never die; it will always be honest and eager; it just needs to be fed and nurtured and when it is cared for, it will give you […]

Jan 11 2013

The Master Cleanse Manual

This manual/pdf is the tried and true original Lemonade Cleanse.  It is packed with the history behind the cleanse, personal testimonies and step by step instructions on how to properly carry out a 3 day or 10 day cleanse.  Please read thoroughly before starting the cleansing process.  It work and I personally felt amazing after […]

Jan 01 2013

Cleanse your system and start anew

Greetings to all on the first day of the new year, This year is going to be a very tumultuous and chaotic year considering the Euro crisis, the United States fiscal cliff and the only thing we can count on, the gap between the haves and have-nots continuously growing wider and wider.  Fortunately, we have […]

Dec 29 2012

After the Holidays Workout Routine

This is a beginner’s routine with an experienced mind-set and foundation.  This is how you build a solid and strong physical foundation. Once this is established, you can start to focus on getting the physical shape you desire, but first things first.  Patience is a necessity when getting in shape, especially when starting out. Most […]

Dec 25 2012


Did you know canola oil is the acronym for “Canadian oil low-acid?” It is genetically modified, hybrid form of the rapeseed plant. The rapeseed plant is toxic, bugs and insects won’t even eat. It is deemed unfit for animal and human consumption. Yet, some genius, thought because this plant can grow in a very cold […]